bouveresse clara unretouched women eve arnold abigail heyman susan meiselas

Bouveresse Clara Unretouched Women. Eve Arnold, Abigail Heyman, Susan Meiselas

Bouveresse Clara Unretouched Women. Eve Arnold, Abigail Heyman, Susan Meiselas


Revisiting three canonical 1970s photobooks that redefined feminism through photography As feminism gained momentum in 1970s America, three photographers-Abigail Heyman, Eve Arnold and Susan Meiselas--published massively influential photobooks informed by the movement. The first, Heyman's Growing Up Female (1974), is a kind of feminist diary: the photographer casts a lucid eye at her own life and questions the imprisonment of women in stereotype roles. The second, Eve Arnold's The Unretouched Woman (1976), shows unknown women and celebrities in spontaneous everyday moments. The photos were deliberately not retouched or staged and offer a nuanced vision of women far from the glamor of glossy magazines. The third, Susan Meiselas' Carnival Strippers (also 1976), is the fruit of three years of investigation into fairground striptease sideshows in the Northeastern United States. Unretouched Women reveals the innovations these three photographers launched in the book medium. -Lauren O'Neill-Butler "Bookforum"

6248 Р.

Eve Arnold. Unretouched Women

Eve Arnold. Unretouched Women

Бренд: Республика

Revisiting three canonical 1970s photobooks that redefined feminism through photography As feminism gained momentum in 1970s America, three photographers―Abigail Heyman, Eve Arnold and Susan Meiselas―published massively influential photobooks informed by the movement. The first, Heyman's Growing Up Female (1974), is a kind of feminist diary: the photographer casts a lucid eye at her own life and questions the imprisonment of women in stereotype roles. The second, Eve Arnold's The Unretouched Woman (1976), shows unknown women and celebrities in spontaneous everyday moments. The photos were deliberately not retouched or staged and offer a nuanced vision of women far from the glamor of glossy magazines. The third, Susan Meiselas' Carnival Strippers (also 1976), is the fruit of three years of investigation into fairground striptease sideshows in the Northeastern United States.

6052 Р.

Fletcher Susan Eve Green

Fletcher Susan Eve Green


With the death of a mother and the abduction of a young girl, Susan Fletcher has written a vividly beautiful novel about the innocence and terror of childhood. Following the loss of her mother, eight-year-old Evie is sent to a new life in rural Wales – a dripping place, where flowers appear mysteriously on doorsteps and people look at her twice. With a sense of being lied to she sets out to discover her family’s dark secret – unaware that there is yet more darkness to come with the sinister disappearance of local girl Rosemary Hughes. Now many years later Eve Green is waiting for the birth of her own child, and when she revisits her past something clicks in her mind and her own reckless role in the hunt for Rosie’s abductor is revealed… A truly beautiful and hypnotic first novel, this is both an engaging puzzle and an enchanting work of literature.

2017 Р.

Pearse Lesley Till We Meet Again

Pearse Lesley Till We Meet Again


She killed two people in cold blood . . . But why? Susan is the woman who walked in a doctor's surgery one day and committed murder. Beth is the lawyer assigned to defend Susan. But her client is uncooperative. Until both women realise that twenty-nine years earlier, they were childhood friends . . . While the evidence mounts up, their friendship starts to regrow. But for one of them, there can be no happy ending . . .

2344 Р.

Inkpen Mick Kipper's Christmas Eve

Inkpen Mick Kipper's Christmas Eve


Mick Inkpen's Kipper has been a star of picture books and animation for 25 years. This festive new edition of a Kipper Christmas classic will captivate a new generation of children. Mick Inkpen is the libraries' ninth most borrowed author. Which is best, Kipper wonders, Christmas Day or Christmas Eve? Presents? Or expecting presents? Kipper's friends are all getting ready for Christmas too and Kipper manages to give little Arnold his best Christmas Eve ever.

1212 Р.

Кукла Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring Women (Барби Сьюзен Б. Энтони - Вдохновляющие Женщины)

Кукла Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring Women (Барби Сьюзен Б. Энтони - Вдохновляющие Женщины)

Бренд: Barbie / Барби

Кукла Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring Women (Барби Сьюзен Б. Энтони - Вдохновляющие Женщины) / Коллекционная кукла БарбиВ комплекте: кукла Барби, одежда и аксессуары как на фото, подставка, упаковка, сертификат подлинностиСерия: чёрная / Black LabelДизайнер: Келли ЛиндбергРазмер: 29 смГлаза: нарисованные, голубыеРесницы: нарисованныеВолосы: вшитые, каштановыеОфициальное название: Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring WomenНомер производителя: GHT84Серия Inspiring Women посвящена героиням своего времени - смелым женщинам, которые пошли на риск, изменили правила и проложили новый путь для следующих поколений девочек и женщин. 5 ноября 1872 года Сьюзен Б. Энтони, выступая в знак протеста и возглавляя обвинение в защите избирательных прав женщин, сделала дерзкий шаг. Она голосовала на президентских выборах, за что и была арестована в своем доме в Рочестере, штат Нью-Йорк. Этот смелый поступок в сочетании с решительным духом Сьюзен помог проложить путь к принятию 19-й поправки в 1920 году, которая запрещает лишать права голоса женщину по гендерному признаку. Barbie отмечает новаторские усилия Сьюзан и ее широкое влияние, создав куклу Susan B. Anthony Barbie серии Inspiring Women. Она элегантна в черном платье до пола, украшенном кружевом на рукавах и лифе. Детали включают очки и кружевной воротник, застегивающийся на брошь-камею. Кукла Susan B. Anthony Barbie поставляется в специально разработанной упаковке, имеет артикуляцию для позирования. В комплектацию входит подставка для кукол и сертификат подлинности. Цвета и украшения могут отличаться.

15395 Р.

Кукла Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring Women (Барби Сьюзен Б. Энтони - Вдохновляющие Женщины)

Кукла Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring Women (Барби Сьюзен Б. Энтони - Вдохновляющие Женщины)

Бренд: Barbie

Кукла Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring Women (Барби Сьюзен Б. Энтони - Вдохновляющие Женщины) / Коллекционная кукла БарбиВ комплекте: кукла Барби, одежда и аксессуары как на фото, подставка, упаковка, сертификат подлинностиСерия: чёрная / Black LabelДизайнер: Келли ЛиндбергРазмер: 29 смГлаза: нарисованные, голубыеРесницы: нарисованныеВолосы: вшитые, каштановыеОфициальное название: Barbie Susan B. Anthony Inspiring WomenНомер производителя: GHT84Серия Inspiring Women посвящена героиням своего времени - смелым женщинам, которые пошли на риск, изменили правила и проложили новый путь для следующих поколений девочек и женщин. 5 ноября 1872 года Сьюзен Б. Энтони, выступая в знак протеста и возглавляя обвинение в защите избирательных прав женщин, сделала дерзкий шаг. Она голосовала на президентских выборах, за что и была арестована в своем доме в Рочестере, штат Нью-Йорк. Этот смелый поступок в сочетании с решительным духом Сьюзен помог проложить путь к принятию 19-й поправки в 1920 году, которая запрещает лишать права голоса женщину по гендерному признаку. Barbie отмечает новаторские усилия Сьюзан и ее широкое влияние, создав куклу Susan B. Anthony Barbie серии Inspiring Women. Она элегантна в черном платье до пола, украшенном кружевом на рукавах и лифе. Детали включают очки и кружевной воротник, застегивающийся на брошь-камею. Кукла Susan B. Anthony Barbie поставляется в специально разработанной упаковке, имеет артикуляцию для позирования. В комплектацию входит подставка для кукол и сертификат подлинности. Цвета и украшения могут отличаться.

15395 Р.

Dee Christel Doctor Who. The Women Who Lived. Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords

Dee Christel Doctor Who. The Women Who Lived. Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords


Meet the women who run the Whoniverse. From Sarah Jane Smith to Bill Potts, from Susan Foreman to the Thirteenth Doctor, women are the beating heart of Doctor Who. Whether they’re facing down Daleks or thwarting a Nestene invasion, these women don’t hang around waiting to be rescued – they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Scientists and soldiers, queens and canteen workers, they don’t let anything hold them back. Featuring historical women such as Agatha Christie and Queen Victoria alongside fan favourites like Rose Tyler and Missy, The Women Who Lived tells the stories of women throughout space and time. Beautifully illustrated by a team of all-female artists, this collection of inspirational tales celebrates the power of women to change the universe.

4055 Р.

Morrison Kate A Book of Secrets

Morrison Kate A Book of Secrets


A Book of Secrets is the story of a woman named Susan Charlewood living in Elizabethan England. Born in what is now Ghana, Susan is enslaved by the Portuguese but later rescued by British sailors, who bring her to England. Once in England, she is raised and educated in an English Catholic household. When Susan comes of age, the family marry her off to an older Catholic man, John Charlewood. Charlewood runs a printing press and uses it to supply the Papist nobility with illegal Catholic texts and foment rebellion amongst the Catholic underclass. When Charlewood dies, Susan takes over the business and uses her new position to find out more about her origins. A look at racial relationships on the eve of the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade, A Book of Secrets is a revealing and compelling glimpse into a fraught time.

1969 Р.

Niven John The Sunshine Cruise Company

Niven John The Sunshine Cruise Company


Susan Frobisher and Julie Wickham are turning sixty. Susan has just discovered that her recently deceased husband was not only a swinger but had run up a fortune in debts in pursuing his extravagant double life. Julie's not faring better: living in a council house and working in an old people's home, she's desperate for excitement. When the bank threatens to take Susan's beloved home to clear the debt, the women seek the help of an octogenarian gangster named Nails. Rather than let the bank take everything Susan has, they're going to take the bank. With the help of Nails and a thrill-crazy, wheelchair-bound friend they pull off the daring robbery, and discover that getting away with it is not so easy and that the adventure is only just beginning.

2177 Р.

Heyman Arlene Artifact

Heyman Arlene Artifact


Lottie Kristin is independent from the start. Born in the middle of the century to a middle-class family in the very middle of America, Lottie is set apart by her smarts and sensuality. A girl who'd rather carry out dissections on a snowy back porch than join her family for Christmas dinner is a strange and exotic artifact in the town of Sleeping Bay. But by her early twenties, Lottie finds herself trapped in a marriage gone stale, with a daughter she adores but whose existence jeopardizes her place in the lab and her dream of becoming a scientist. How can a young woman make her way in a world determined to contain her brilliance, her will, and her longing to live? Bravely and wisely written, Artifact is an intimate and propulsive portrait of a whole woman, a celebration of her refusal to be defined by others' imaginations, and a meditation on the glorious chaos of biological life.

2099 Р.

Harrington C. My Pear-Shaped Life

Harrington C. My Pear-Shaped Life


So many women will find this book speaks to them. It makes you laugh and cry but it is truly inspiring' Katie Fforde 'Sweet, sad, insightful and joyful - this book pressed all the emotion buttons and I'm so glad it did' Milly Johnson 'A beautiful, tender and joyful story.' Susan Lewis Meet Greta. She's funny.

682 Р.

Harrington C. My Pear-Shaped Life

Harrington C. My Pear-Shaped Life


So many women will find this book speaks to them. It makes you laugh and cry but it is truly inspiring' Katie Fforde 'Sweet, sad, insightful and joyful - this book pressed all the emotion buttons and I'm so glad it did' Milly Johnson 'A beautiful, tender and joyful story.' Susan Lewis Meet Greta. She's funny.

682 Р.

King Stephen Sleeping Beauties

King Stephen Sleeping Beauties


In this spectacular New York Times bestselling father/son collaboration that &;barrels along like a freight train&; (Publishers Weekly), Stephen King and Owen King tell the highest of high-stakes stories: what might happen if women disappeared from the world of men? In a future so real and near it might be now, something happens when women go to sleep: they become shrouded in a cocoon-like gauze. If they are awakened, if the gauze wrapping their bodies is disturbed or violated, the women become feral and spectacularly violent. And while they sleep they go to another place, a better place, where harmony prevails and conflict is rare. One woman, the mysterious &;Eve Black,&; is immune to the blessing or curse of the sleeping disease. Is Eve a medical anomaly to be studied? Or is she a demon who must be slain? Abandoned, left to their increasingly primal urges, the men divide into warring factions, some wanted to kill Eve, some to save her. Others exploit the chaos to wreak their own vengeance on new enemies. All turn to violence in a suddenly all-male world. Set in a small Appalachian town whose primary employer is a woman&;s prison, Sleeping Beauties is a wildly provocative, gloriously dramatic father-son collaboration that feels particularly urgent and relevant today.

1424 Р.

Garner Alan The Moon of Gomrath

Garner Alan The Moon of Gomrath


Enthralling sequel to The Weirdstone of Brisingamen. It is the Eve of Gomrath – the night of the year when the Old Magic is aroused. Had Colin and Susan known this, they would never have lighted a fire on the Beacon, thereby releasing the uncontrollable ferocity of the Wild Hunt. Soon they are inextricably caught up in the struggle between their friend, the Wizard Cadellin, and the evil Morrigan. The strength of their courage will determine whether or not they survive the awaiting ordeal…

1498 Р.

Cooper Susan The Dark is Rising

Cooper Susan The Dark is Rising


This night will be bad and tomorrow will be beyond imagining. It's Midwinter's Eve, the day before Will's eleventh birthday. But there is an atmosphere of fear in the familiar countryside around him. This will be a birthday like no other. Will discovers that he has the power of the Old Ones, and that he must embark on a quest to vanquish the terrifyingly evil magic of the Dark. The second novel in Susan Cooper's highly acclaimed Dark is Rising sequence.

2668 Р.

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